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PEISCT Observes Kashmir Black Day
30 Oct 2019

PEISCT Observes Kashmir Black Day Featured





Pakistan Embassy International School & College, Tehran organized an impressive event to observe Kashmir Black Day on October 28, 2019. Parents, teachers, students and Pakistan Embassy officials participated in the event to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

Messages of President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were also read out on the occasion.

Students from class KG to A' Level presented speeches, poems, songs and dialogue to highlight the history of Kashmir issue, inhumane attitude of Indian forces against innocent Kashmiris and skillfully described the worries, pain, hardships and suppression of Kashmiri men, women and children at the hands of Indian forces in the Indian occupied Kashmir in a heart- touching manner.

The students through their innocent ideas presented how India has converted a heaven on earth into a piece of hell for Kashmiris and showed their unity with Kashmiri children that they stand with them in their difficult time. The performance of students evoked strong emotional response from the participants.

Students also depicted Indian atrocities and human rights violations in Kashmir in their paintings which attracted great appreciation from the viewers.

Calling students as ambassadors of peace, Ambassador Ms Riffat Masood appreciated the performance and presentations of little angels which they presented from their hearts. She said that today is a sad day in the history of Kashmiris as India invaded it seven decades ago and innocent Kashmiris are humiliated at the hands of Indian forces and denied their just right of self determination. She paid rich tributes to the valiant Kashmiris who are struggling to achieve their just right of self-determination and said that we must not forget the sufferings of eight million Kashmiri women, men and children who are under inhumane Indian seige and denied their basic rights.

The Ambassador reiterated Pakistan's support with Kashmiris in their indigenius freedom struggle and stressed for resolution of Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions and to the aspirations of the Kashmiris.
In end, Ms. Taj Shaheen, Principal of Pakistan Embassy International School n College presented the vote of thanks to all the esteemed guests, students and parents for putting up such an impressive show.
It was followed by light refreshment for all .
































































































Read 11760 times Last modified on Thursday, 31 October 2019 10:02
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